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Manage and protect your Android smartphones as a company

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Control is an advanced Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) application designed to streamline the way companies manage and secure a broad range of devices, including Android, iOS, macOS, Windows 10, and Chrome OS devices like Chromebooks. It provides users with a central web console for simple oversight and governance of organizational devices.

When using this platform, your device becomes part of an efficiently managed network. Organizations gain the ability to configure device policies, push app distributions, and enhance the security of devices under their purview. It's essential to note that the functionality is dependent on linkage to a specified Sophos management console.

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The standout benefits include its ability to report on device compliance status, triggering device synchronizations, and installing applications from a controlled Enterprise App Store. This platform enhances organizational security by displaying any compliance violations, offering capabilities to locate devices if they are misplaced or unlawfully taken, and by allowing reception of messages dispatched from the Sophos Mobile management console. Support and privacy details are readily available.

For enhanced security, the app utilizes Device Administrator permission and, though it can access the device's location in the background, it does so only to assist in locating lost or stolen devices without continuously monitoring or recording location data.

Devices equipped with Samsung Knox, LG GATE, or SONY Enterprise API can capitalize on extended management features available through the product, ensuring a more robust management experience.

This application is a pivotal tool for organizations seeking to maintain tight control over their device ecosystem, ensuring both operational efficiency and security compliance.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Sophos Limited.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 8.0 or higher required

Information about Control 9.7.10339

Package Name com.sophos.mobilecontrol.client.android
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Finance
Language English
8 more
Author Sophos Limited
Downloads 14,664
Date Jun 12, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 9.7.10286 Android + 8.0 Mar 7, 2024
apk 9.7.10267 Android + 8.0 Jan 29, 2024
apk 9.7.10218 Android + 8.0 Nov 3, 2023
apk 9.7.10185 Android + 8.0 Sep 15, 2023
apk 9.7.10108 Android + 7.0 Nov 17, 2022
apk 9.7.10101 Android + 7.0 Oct 4, 2022

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